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Blog Posts & Recommended Readings:

3 min read
EMDR Beyond Trauma: Building Confidence and Reducing Anxiety in Twice-Exceptional (2e) and Gifted, Talented, Intense-minded (GTIm) Children
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for twice-exceptional (2e), Giftedness, builds confidence, reduces anxiety

4 min read
Can Being Neurodiverse Actually Make You Better at Dealing with Emotions?
neurological differences like ADHD, Giftedness, Autism Spectrum, and dyslexia are simply variations of the human brain, not shortcomings.

3 min read
Mindfulness for Kids
Mindfulness and Meditation for Kids, The importance of modeling and practicing with our kids for better mental health.

4 min read
Neurodivergent Kids: The Power of Self-Regulation
Self-regulation supports neurodivergence, ADHD, Gifted, ASD, emotions, self-awareness, 2e kids

4 min read
"Overexcitabilities" and Giftedness/2e: Dabrowski's identification of common characteristics in Gifted & 2e individuals.
Gifted, twice exceptional folks often exhibit multiple "overexcitabilities". Gifted, 2e minds may need different support than neurotypicals.

5 min read
Neurodiversity: Highly Gifted or "Profoundly Gifted" People
Profoundly gifted (above 99th %), increased intensity, empathy, and asynchronous development, Complexities

3 min read
Gifted/2e is Neurodiversity: The Complicated Minds of the Gifted
Understanding Asynchronous development, Neurodivergence includes giftedness, twice-exceptional, 2e: Gifted & LD, ADHD, ASD or C-PTSD,

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